Saturday, 9 May 2020

One Day Kochi (Cochin) Sightseeing Tour - TRIPENTICER           

Kochi (Cochin) is one of the most important tourist destination of Kerala Tourism. It is theancient gateway of India for Arabs, Greek, Portugese etc. Cochin sightseeing tours attracts a lot tourists.

 The most important tourist spot is Fort kochi. It is the first european settlement in India.Thia area of Fort kocki  and Mattacherri haves a number of heritage stes, ancien churches, temples etc. Fort cochin beach , Chinese Fising, etc are the other Attractions.  

Tripenticer offers a number of Tour packages of Day trips, 2 Days Tours, 3 Days Tours, 4 Days Tours, etc. 

#CochinDayTrips,   #CochinDayTours
#CochinCityTour         #2DaysCochinSightseeingTour       #CochinFullDayTour      #2 DaysCochinTours

Get in touch- WhatsApp/ Allo - 0091 82 82 82 22 36, 

Cochin Day Sightseeing Tour - TRIPENTICER